Lives Your Story on FilmThe Process

The LIVES process is simple, straightforward, and safe.

First, we will have an initial meeting where we will create the overall vision and focus of the film.  We will determine the film’s ideal length, its budget, with whom you would like us to interview in addition to yourself, and what aspects of your life you want to discuss. We will leave you with a list of questions to consider in advance of the interview and ask you to collect any photographs, letters, and other documents that you would like to be a part of this film.

Lives Your Story on FilmNext, we will conduct the interview(s).  We will do this in your home to create the most personal and comfortable environment for you to share your life stories.

After that, our professional videographers will edit the film.

Finally, we will put the film in a password-protected page on the LIVES website so that you and your loved ones have easy access to watch and share the film with others.

We understand that talking about your childhood, your past, your life choices, your loved ones can tread on intimate terrain.  We will handle you and your stories with care.